2025 IEEE 28th International Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD 2025)
May 5 - 7, 2025, Compiègne, France

Organized by

University of Technology of Compiègne
CSCWD International Working Group
University of Technology of Troyes

Co-Sponsored by

IEEE SMC Society

General Conference Chair

Marie Hélène Abel

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Weiming Shen
Jean-Paul Barthès
Junzhou Luo
Nada Matta

Publication Chair

Jinghui Zhang

Special Session Chair

Haibin Zhu

Finance Chair / Treasurer

Sylvain Lagrue

Local Arrangement Chair

Domitile Lourdeaux

International Steering Committee


Jean-Paul Barthès
Junzhou Luo
Weiming Shen


Jinghui Zhang


Pedro Antunes
Marcos Borges
Kuo-Ming Chao
Gang Chen
Jano de Souza
Susan Finger
Giancarlo Fortino
Liang Gao
Ning Gu
Anne James
Peter Kropf
Weidong Li
Xiaoping P. Liu
Xiaozhen Mi
Hugo Paredes
José A. Pino
Tie Qiu
Yanjun Shi
Amy Trappey
Adriana Vivacqua
Chunsheng Yang
Yun Yang
Jianming Yong
Qinghua Zheng

Submission of Papers

Papers reporting original research results and experience are solicited. Each paper, written in English, is limited to 6 pages (IEEE proceedings format), including references and illustrations. Electronic submissions in PDF format are strongly recommended. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the paper.
Submission Web Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cscwd2025